
Feel Better

Life is full of little blunders, bungles, flounders, and flops. Thankfully, the same soup that brought you comfort as a kid is just as potent now. So no worries if things don’t quite go your way—Campbell’s is still here to make you feel better when you need it.

Between dating apps and social media, the digital world is just as rife with screws up as real life.

Wherever you go online, Campbell’s will have banner ads to let you know they have soup for your no-good situations.

The CambOpener

You got your soup, but we aren’t done there. The Campbell’s electric can opener doesn’t just automatically open your soup—it whispers sweet words of encouragement while doing so.

Feel Better Super Bowl Suite

Campbell’s wants to help some of fantasy football’s biggest losers feel better with seats at the Super Bowl. TikTok users will stitch videos of their fantasy punishments and Campbell’s will reward the 10 worst with tickets to their Feel Better Box, where luxurious comfort and the best view in professional football meet.

Canned Comradery

Have friends that are just as embarrassing as you? Show them some solidarity with our sorry kits—complete with custom messages, soup-scented bath bombs, fancy spoons, and cans of Campbell’s.

Comfort at 36,000 FT

In a new partnership with Southwest, Campbell’s will help the poor souls stuck in the middle seat due to the airline’s random seat assignments. Stewardesses will be handing out warmed shooters of Campbell’s to the unlucky souls stuck in the middle.

Class Action Law Soup

To remind the public just how comforting a bowl of Campbell’s can be, we will identify some of culture’s most unwittingly memed figures and help ease their suffering with some soup-based compensation (free cans of Campbell’s).